April PNCNews
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Geoffrey Black

UCC President listens to PNC dreams

The President and General Minister of the United Church of Christ came recently to Spokane and Seattle to listen to members of UCC churches. The Rev. Geoffrey Black came to hear the hopes, dreams and visions of the church and to express appreciation for all who make churches vibrant and alive.

Leeann Beres Earth Ministry in Seattle involves UCC and other congregations in environmental education, action and advocacy.
Bobbi Virta Three work camps from conference maintain commitment to rebuilding post-Katrina New Orleans homes.
Jim CastroLang Jim CastroLang offers a column suggesting ways churches can become more adept in using media technology.
Marilyn Wilson Marilynne Wilson visits Cuba as part of a Witness for Peace health care research team.
Tom Sorenson Tom Sorenson in Monroe finds digital publishing a way to spread his theological perspectives beyond his congregation.
Geoffrey Black Geoffrey Black visits Seattle and Spokane to listen to dreams, hopes and visions of local church members.
CAMPS Summer camp directors are planning camps for 2010.
ANNUAL MEETING "Compassion, Communication, Community" is the 2010 Annual Meeting theme.

News Briefs provide update of events.